More from Georgia Walden

Piano recitals were a popular form of entertainment during the late 19th century and early 20th century. Often, they were covered by local newspapers, as Georgia Walden did for the Commerce Journal in 1902.

Our friend Georgia Walden, newspaper columnist for the Commerce Journal from the northeast part of Hunt County, wrote the following. “The N. E. Corner is always luxuriating in some good thing. One week it is glorious spring time, sunshine and singing, next week it is dripping rain and clinging mud, and this week the southern gales are sweeping wildly over our fair fields, blinding poor old plow-boys, powdering their faces with grime and dust, twirling the reckless schoolboys like so many autumn leaves as they plod their weary way to the monotonous country school; even the young chickens spread their tiny wings and lie gasping in the barnyard to say nothing of the bedazed housewife, bereft almost of sight and sense, compelled to “ply her busy task” in spite of wind or weather. We almost never realized so feeling, until the past ten days, the full significance of the old song. “Never mind the weather if the wind blow.” But in patience we must possess our souls, and “spring would be but gloomy weather if we had nothing else but spring.”

Wow! Such delightful, almost poetic writing. But that is not all that appeared in the May 2, 1902 issue of the Journal. Nothing like this to entertain us like this today.

Jardin, a community in the Northeast Corner of Hunt and Hopkins, Delta and Fannin counties, was on the qui vive Saturday evening. A grand musical recital at the residence of W. F. England called together the beauty and chivalry of Jardin, Fairlie and Pecan, besides a host of transient callers from other points. Among the “fairest of the fair” were the Misses Ownsby, Miss Lester, and Miss Delia, in a soft, lustress, black costume of mousseline and aced’ applique with her dreamy brown shining hair, was a “study in brown,” and, we are afraid, put some luckless wight in a brown study. Miss Mag, with her glorious golden hair, in soft clinging robes of blue and white, were bewitching. The Fairlie girls, as usual, created a grand sensation. Misses Willie and Austina Hammer, Maude Abernathy, Alice Roundtree and Ella Mabry fully sustained Fairlie’s reputation for pretty stylish girls. Mr. Gardner, a piano man from Honey Groves, divided honors for beauty and wit with the girls. O, how he can sing. Sang “Martha and John,” Sparkling Sunday Night” and many other vocal gems, much to his own satisfaction and to the edification of his hearers. The instrumental music rendered on the grand piano by Mrs. H. H. England might have been good or might have been poor; we only know it could not be heard above the other noises – a perfect pandemonium reigned; “snap” that elegant game was running in one room, juveniles chasing the buffalo in another, while the matronly crowd in the third vied with one another to see who could say the most in the highest.

We deeply deplore the degeneracy of Hunt Country in having a woman candidate for county clerk. Our women are certainly coming to the front and leaving womanliness behind. If a woman rules one man in her house she has all that she has sense and nerve to contend with.

Quite a lot of opinions for the residents of the North East Corner to digest!

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